American Literature Online with Books (2nd. ed.) |
American Literature for Online Homeschool
American Literature를 통해 학생들은 1600년대부터 현대에 이르는 미국 작품들은 연대기순으로 살펴보되 특별히 미국 문학의 4대시기인 초기문학, 낭만주의, 사실주의, 그리고 모더니즘 시기를 분석의 틀로 한다. 아울러 다양한 미국 작가들을 통해 그들이 미치는 사회적 영향력과 그들에게 미치는 사회의 영향도 고찰한다. 학생들은 특정 작품에 예시된 문학의 기초요소들을 분석함으로써 작품을 감상하게 될 것이다. 이 강좌는 미국문학의 발전과정을 설명해주는 전통 문학비평이론에 기초한다.
담당교사: Miss Jennifer Martini
본 수업은 밥존스 온라인에 로그하는 동안 볼 수 있는 교사용 요약 전자 버전을 포함합니다.
추천 시청 스케줄: 30분 강의 (주 5회) / 총 85강
Contents Item # |
Title |
273714 |
American Literature Student Text (Copyright Update) |
Copyright Year - 2013
Edition - 3rd ed.
Author - BJU Press Distance Learning
Format - Distance Learning Online
Publisher - BJU Press |
Technical Requirements for Online Homeschool
Processor: Pentium class, 1 GHz processor or the equivalent.
Operating System: Windows 7, Windows XP service pack 2, Windows Vista, or Mac OSX 10.4 or later, or iOS (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch).
Memory: Minimum of 512MB RAM (or more as required by the operating system*).
20% free hard drive space
Google Chrome Version 13.0 or later, Internet Explorer Version 7.0 or later, or Firefox Version 3.0 or later versions. Other browsers may be used, but may not support all functionality.
Adobe Flash Version 9 or later
Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or later
High-speed internet connection: LAN, Cable or DSL Modem
An active email account
*Note: Windows Vista & Windows 7 사용자들은 강의를 수강하기 위하여 최소 RAM 1GB 이 필요합니다만, 최적의 상태를 위해서는 RAM 2GB 정도 권장합니다. .
Miss Jennifer Martini, BS, MA
Miss Martini thoroughly enjoys reading and is excited about the opportunity to teach American literature and to share her love for the subject. "Ever since the fourth grade, I’ve never been more than a stone’s throw away from a book. During high school, my English teacher channeled my love for reading into a more disciplined approach which allowed me to glean much more from my reading. My goal for my students is that, even if they do not ‘love’ reading, they be able to develop the skills necessary to understand and explain the literature for themselves. These skills will allow them to develop a discerning eye toward whatever material they read. More importantly, my desire is that they apply these literature skills to their own personal Bible study. The Word of God can come alive to them in ways that they might not have experienced before taking this class. Having just completed the study of the elements of literature, it is now time that they begin to understand what the literature is saying and the purpose the authors had for their writings." |